multimedia installation

Ceud Míle Fàilte-2021
(a hundred thousand welcomes)

Ceylon meets Sri Lanka. Uncovering old history using new technologies. What does it mean to be half oppressor and half oppressed when the one thing that both sides can agree on is serendipity. to find out more click here

a tree falls-2018

Site specific installation exploring the interconnection of the natural world exhibited in the Camden Arts Centre, London, as part of their Youth Collective.


a community healing installation using personal psychology and finding dynamic ways to express that in an interactive installation format. 

Life Evolved-2015

Based on the input of over 5000 people from over 30 countries over a three year period, LIFE evolved was a creative installation experiment that took place in one of Europe’s largest community arts centres, Summerhall, Edinburgh. working on one of 7 galleries examining life beyond destructive capitalism. To learn more click here